- Furlough notices have arrived for some USCIS employees. Due to a large decrease in fees, USCIS has asked Congress for $1.2 billion to keep the agency running. If it does not get the needed funding, USCIS will furlough 13,400 employees, about 70% of its workforce. Since the furloughs are planned for August, USCIS employees will be receiving furlough notices on or before July 2. The furlough is currently expected to last more than 30 days and less than 90 days.
- For the first time, Americans want more immigration instead of less. According to a new Gallup poll, a record number of Americans want more immigration to the U.S. This is the first time that the number of people who want increased immigration is larger than the number of people who want a decrease in immigration. 34% percent favored increased immigration, while 28% favored decreased immigration. The poll was conducted from May 28-June 4 of this year. Overall, 77% of respondents said that immigration was a good thing for the U.S., while 19% said that immigration is bad for the U.S. Overall, the results were still heavily split along party lines.
- Immigration judges have sued the Trump administration over a rule barring them from speaking publicly. In January 2020, immigration judges received a notice from the Trump administration barring them from speaking publicly or to the press about what happens in their immigration courts. They were also barred from voicing their opinions on what should happen in immigration courts. Today, the immigration judges? union filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration, arguing that the order violates their constitutional rights under the First Amendment.
- One Indiana man is facing deportation after participating in Black Lives Matter protests. Jorge Oliva was arrested last month while participating in protests in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He was then transferred from local authorities to ICE, where he remains in custody. His family blames the information-sharing policies between local police and ICE, while ICE says that his arrest at the protests violated a release agreement made by a federal judge with Jorge in 2017. Jorge is being held in Wisconsin and currently has a hearing set for July 6 about possible deportation.
- A judge has ordered the release of one HIV-positive man, but he still isn?t free. An immigration judge ordered the temporary release of William Zacarias Marroqu?n, who is HIV-positive and at risk for complications from COVID-19. However, since DHS is appealing his case, he has still not been released. Marroqu?n?s case is similar to many other detainees around the country who have not been released because of pending appeals.
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